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     Your current location: > Home  >Products  >Gear series
    Face Tooth
    Hits:697  Addtiime:2019-10-21 [Print] [Back]

    Gears are toothed mechanical parts which can be engaged with each other. It is applied widely in the field of mechanical transmission and the whole mechanical field. The modern gear technology has the following advantages: the module of gear is 0.004 to 100mm; the gear diameter is 1 to 150mm; the transmitted power is up to a hundred thousand kilowatts; the rotating speed is up to hundreds of thousands of revolutions per minute; and the highest circumferential velocity is up to 300m/s.
    The accuracy and finish of straight gears, contrate gears, drum gears, spiral bevel gears and helical gears produced by our company have reached the advanced level, and are constantly improved.

    Copyright © 2019    Copyright Wuxi Ruier Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.  蘇ICP備09073427號-3

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